Client Project

For those with hidden disabilities, public transport can present challenges that are invisible to the rest of us.

To make public transport more accessible for all, Transport for Ireland were introducing a new 'Please Offer Me a Seat' badge. This was aimed at helping passengers more easily identify when someone else needs their seat more than they do. The key group set to benefit from the new badge were those with hidden disabilities- issues that aren't easily seen at a glance.


'Hidden disabilities' are exactly what they sound like: not obvious to the eye, but very deeply felt by those who have to deal with them. The challenge we were faced with is a subject that wasn't easily depicted visually, but one that we needed to bring to the attention of a wider audience.


Take the viewer inside the experience of someone with a hidden disability. Rather than creating a dry ‘public service announcement’ message, we sought to take a more personal and empathetic approach. By creating a sensory, first-person experience, we allowed viewers to hear first-hand the experience of those for whom this new badge is a big deal.


A colourful, high-impact TV and OOH campaign that heroes those with hidden disabilities. It delivered a new perspective on a range of issues that are not often understood.

Matthieu Chardon

Client Project

For those with hidden disabilities, public transport can present challenges that are invisible to the rest of us.

To make public transport more accessible for all, Transport for Ireland were introducing a new 'Please Offer Me a Seat' badge. This was aimed at helping passengers more easily identify when someone else needs their seat more than they do. The key group set to benefit from the new badge were those with hidden disabilities- issues that aren't easily seen at a glance.


'Hidden disabilities' are exactly what they sound like: not obvious to the eye, but very deeply felt by those who have to deal with them. The challenge we were faced with is a subject that wasn't easily depicted visually, but one that we needed to bring to the attention of a wider audience.


Take the viewer inside the experience of someone with a hidden disability. Rather than creating a dry ‘public service announcement’ message, we sought to take a more personal and empathetic approach. By creating a sensory, first-person experience, we allowed viewers to hear first-hand the experience of those for whom this new badge is a big deal.


A colourful, high-impact TV and OOH campaign that heroes those with hidden disabilities. It delivered a new perspective on a range of issues that are not often understood.

Matthieu Chardon


Let's work together.