Freelance creative with an Irish accent.

I've spent 10+ years turning complexity into clarity for globally-known brands, agencies and startups.

As a freelance copywriter, I've worked across a huge range of different brands, with different audiences and different objectives to reach.

For me though, the main challenge always remains the same: capture people's attention and compel them to act.

My work has been trusted by iconic brands, top creative agencies and budding startups. Whether it's been for TV, radio, print, or online, I've helped my clients to cut through the noise and connect with people in a way that impacts their bottom line, and solves problems.

I'd love to do the same for you.

Drop me a line to discuss how I can help with your latest project.

I'll try to make it look easy... (it's not).

Click here to see what I'm working on right now.


My clients
all hate me...
“...a pleasure to work with,”
Des Creedon, TBWA\Dublin
Executive Creative Director
"Made our content more human and expressive,"
Gabriel Hitt, Nasdaq
Senior Director, Talent Attraction & Employer Brand
"Helped us manage a few very difficult months,"
Colin Hart, Public House
Creative Director

Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently asked & frequently answered. Here are the questions I get the most:

What is your hourly rate?

I never charge hourly. The outcome of the project we’re working on is my sole concern, and focusing too much on the clock would prevent us both from shipping our best work.

For agencies, I charge a flat day rate.

For brands, I charge a flat project fee.If you have a project you would like to discuss, I can present some options on a sliding scale, so you can be happy with the full cost of the work before committing to the project. I do however operate a project minimum fee, and do not accept jobs with budgets below this threshold.

Where are you based?

I operate a limited liability company based in Ireland. I spend a lot of my time in Europe, and work with clients in the US, UK, EU and other english-speaking markets.

Can you work with us in-person?

I work remotely by default, but depending on the scope, duration and requirements of the project, can be available in-person on a limited basis. This would mostly be for key meetings, pitches, video or photo shoots and to discuss more delicate aspects of the project at hand.

What kind of 'copywriting' do you do?

I specialize in creative problem-solving for businesses, including developing 360° creative campaigns. This means big, bold, creative ideas meant to stick in peoples’ minds and change their behavior. I also specialize in writing emotional scripts to move people- whether it’s to laughter or to tears. Turning creativity to an objective outcome.

I am not the kind of copywriter who writes blogs, articles, or develops SEO copy. I have an ad agency background, and focus more squarely on developing creative campaigns and negotiating larger projects through copy, graphics and visual storytelling.

Are there projects you will not do?

The only projects I won’t take on are 'naming' projects- anything that requires coming up with names for a new product or service.

I'll be totaly honest with you- there's nothing I hate more.

Over the past decade, I’ve been lucky enough to try my hand at all sorts of creative work. Naming projects have consistently been the least enjoyable, the least rewarding and the least fulfilling.

The reason? They’re simply too subjective.

There is no ‘right answer’ to coming up with a new name for a product. I prefer to focus more squarely on problem-solving work where I can bring my precision and acuity to bear.

What are you doing right now?

Take a look here.

Let's work together.